Materials Analysis and Testing

Our materials analysis services evaluate material quality and provide the necessary insight to improve performance & resolve failure or contamination issues

Our materials analysis services evaluate material quality and provide the key insights required to improve performance and resolve failure or contamination issues. We analyse a wide range of materials, including polymers, plastics, composites, metals, alloys, ceramics, paper, and board. These materials have diverse properties that can impact performance. Understanding your material’s properties is essential to determine if it's suitable for its intended use or to understand and rectify a failure.

Intertek's services support innovation in industries such as engineering and manufacturing. Our knowledge and expertise offers Total Quality Assurance in materials analysis and testing and spans a wide range of industry sectors, including aerospace, automotive, nuclear, chemicals, oil and gas, polymers and plastics, packaging, adhesives, medical devices, textiles and apparel, building materials, electronics, composites, consumer products and nanomaterials.  With a global network of laboratories and over 1,000 industry experts, we can support customers around the world and easily arrange shipment of your samples for prompt testing and consulting.

With a global network of laboratories and over 1,000 industry experts, we can support customers around the world and easily arrange shipment of your samples for prompt testing and consulting.

Our materials analysis services can ensure the quality of your materials, solve performance issues, support product development and investigate failure issues by providing the information you need to understand your material’s composition, structure, chemical properties, mechanical properties or physical properties. Information from our reverse engineering and deformulation studies can give you valuable insight into the construction and properties of products and materials.

To explore a product’s useful lifetime, our performance testing and environmental and durability testing  can provide accurate predictive information.

Materials Analysis Techniques
Our experts use a wide range of materials analysis techniques to provide Total Quality Assurance to your business. Our laboratories work to ISO 17025 accreditation to test to a variety of standards, including ASTM, SAE, UL, IEC, ISO, BIFMA, EN, MIL and OEM-specific. We also provide advanced and routine materials and mechanical testing characterisation, data interpretation and expertise. Materials analysis techniques include microscopy, surface analysis, chromatography, mass spectrometry, NMR analysis, thermal analysis, rheological analysis and spectroscopy techniques including FTIR analysis or Raman analysis.

Materials Analysis Investigative Services
Intertek’s failure analysis services determine the cause of a failure and provides you with the insight you need to make decisions and rectify the problem. Through our forensic analytical and scientific services, a detailed investigation into product and processes are conducted to resolve legal, safety or performance issues. Our contamination detection and analysis service allows for rapid identification and resolution of contamination.

By partnering with Intertek, you gain a support team backed by many years of industry knowledge to help you ensure the quality of your materials and products, and to optimise performance while avoiding or resolving failure issues.


Materials Analysis and Testing:

Need help or have a question? +1 800 967 5352

Need help or have a question?

+1 800 967 5352
+44 116 296 1620
+31 88 126 8888
+65 6805 4800
0800 5855888
+49 711 27311 152
+41 61 686 4800
01 800 5468 3783
+52 55 5091 2150
+55 11 2322 8033
+61 1300 046 837
+91 22 4245 0207
+971 4 317 8777