ENERGY STAR®: Data Acceptance Programs

Do I need to participate in Intertek’s SMTL program even if our internal test labs are accredited by A2LA for ENERGY STAR testing?
Yes, you do need to participate in a Data Acceptance Program because the Certification Body is accepting responsibility for the data when it is turned over to the EPA. However, while you are required to participate in the program, the value of the A2LA accreditation for your testing lab will reduce the amount of oversight on the CB’s part.

Does the 24 hour ENERGY STAR certification and agency submittals still apply if you are not part of Intertek's Satellite program but use Intertek as your CB?
Yes, the 24-hour turnaround and submittal for ENERGY STAR® certification applies to everyone regardless of whether or not you are a part of Intertek’s SATELLITE Data Acceptance Program. In addition to conducting ENERGY STAR® testing in our own facilities, Intertek maintains working relationships with a wide network of testing labs to be able to process all test data in a timely matter.

How long will it take for my laboratory to be recognized under Intertek’s Satellite program?
Intertek is ready to audit labs for Satellite testing immediately. Upon successful results of the audit, Intertek will have a confidence building period (usually 3 tests) and then the manufacture can perform their own testing for the CB to review. Essentially, the process will progress as quickly as the manufacturer wants to move.

If I am part of Intertek’s Satellite SMTL program for product safety for ETL, am I automatically a part of Intertek’s Satellite SMTL program for ENERGY STAR compliance? Or are these Satellite programs completely separate?
ENERGY STAR test standards will have to be added to your Satellite program scope of Satellite Data Acceptance. This may require additional on-site assessment of your laboratories.
