Intertek Presents at Nutracon 2013

March 06, 2013


March 6-7, 2013 in Anaheim, California, USA

Nutracon is the premier conference for ingredient and technology innovation within the health and nutrition industry. The conference provides relevant insights for innovation based on science and technology, case studies and market intelligence. Attendees gain an understanding of the impact of "next generation" ingredients, emerging markets, consumer trend data and regulatory constraints. Cutting-edge conference tracks are prepared and presented in collaboration with world-class researchers and carefully selected partners (industry, academic, and government) to ensure top-notch science, solid business and industry context, and the highest potential for commercial or health-policy impact.

Intertek expert Dr. Andrea Wong will present ‘Misappropriation of Science: The marketing, research, and regulatory nexus’ on March 6, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. in California Room C.

Intertek provides scientific and regulatory support for a wide range of food and supplement products worldwide. Whether it is a food ingredient, a nutritional supplement, natural health product, or a food derived from biotechnology, our toxicologists and scientists can help navigate the scientific and regulatory requirements these products must meet to be marketed. We provide the most expedient and cost-effective route to satisfy worldwide scientific and regulatory approval requirements.

If you would like to arrange for a meeting with Intertek personnel in advance, please contact us. We look forward to meeting you and your colleagues at Nutracon!


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