Case Study: Inview

Case study

Interact remotely and safely with our technical inspection experts

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Inview is a remote inspection solution that enables Intertek to deliver more efficient and COVID-safe inspections, supporting a cohesive approach to quality, compliance, safety and sustainability. Customers can access Inview using a regular smart phone or other smart device. In a trade context, Inview can be used to deliver inspections in relation to shipment certificates of conformity or commercial inspections.

In a trade environment where speed is of the essence, Inview enables faster access to Intertek’s Government and Trade Services (‘GTS’) team of qualified technical inspection experts, accelerating inspection turnaround time. Any issues detected in the course of an Inview inspection can be brought to the customer’s instant attention and full inspection records (including video and images) can be made available for internal assessment and auditing purposes. As inspections are conducted remotely rather than in person, Inview supports public health and wellbeing by reducing any on-site exposure. All Inview inspections are performed to the highest standards and follow the same strict quality procedures as those performed by our on-site inspectors.

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