Chlorinated compound contamination detection and testing for marine bunker fuel.

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Intertek ShipCare laboratories test ship bunker fuels for the presence of damaging chlorinated compounds. Chlorinated compounds are a chemical waste and should not be present naturally in marine fuels.

ShipCare clients benefit from global monitoring and testing to help reduce the risk of bunker fuel contamination due to the introduction of chlorinated chemical adulterants. The ShipCare bunker fuel quality monitoring program detects trichloromethane and carbon tetrachloride adulterants in client bunker fuels. The presence of these chemicals within marine fuels can lead to seal shrinkage and expensive fuel pump seizures, and badly effect overall ship engine lubrication.

Trichloromethane, or chloroform, is used as a manufacturing solvent and in the production of dyes and pesticides. Carbon tetrachloride was also widely used as a dry cleaning agent, as well as a refrigerant and an aerosol propellant, before its ban from use in consumer products in 2002 under EC regulation No. 2037/2000.

Bunker fuels containing these chemicals are in breach of section 5.1 of ISO 8217:2005 specification, and section 5.5 of ISO 8217:2010.

Section 5.1 of ISO 8217:2005 / Section 5.5 ISO 8217:2010 states that a bunker fuel should not contain any (additive) added substance or chemical waste that:

  • Jeopardizes the safety of ships or adversely affects the performance of machinery
  • Is harmful to personnel
  • Contributes overall to air pollution. 

To protect your ships, business and reputation, Intertek strongly recommends that you have knowledge of the bunker fuel quality prior to use. Ensure that the samples are taken correctly together with the supplier at the custody transfer point (ship's manifold) and witnesses by the Ship’s crew. The seal numbers on the samples must be recorded on the Bunker Delivery Note (BDN).

For more information on bunker fuel contamination and how to protect your ship, please contact Intertek ShipCare.

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