Metallurgical Inspections for Power Plants

Intertek supports power plants with services including failure and root cause analysis, condition assessment, forensics analysis and litigation work with our metallurgy laboratory facilities and expertise.

Intertek’s team of metallurgy experts has performed failure analyses on thousands of power plant components from hundreds of power plants around the world providing Total Quality Assurance. If your plant equipment experiences a failure or does not operate as expected, our personnel and in-house metallurgy laboratories can respond quickly with a root cause analysis of the problem and help you take corrective action.
Intertek’s metallurgy laboratory has one of the largest repositories of water and steam circuit failed tubes in the world. The case history of the failure mechanisms have been documented in a number of Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) projects and have been used as a calibrating standard for our Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services.
Our metallurgical inspections include:

  • Fatigue crack initiation and propagation (thermal, mechanical, vibration, etc.)
  • Brittle and ductile fracture
  • High temperature stress rupture and creep
  • Corrosion and pitting
  • Stress corrosion cracking
  • Hydrogen damage
  • Flow accelerated corrosion (FAC)
  • Erosion, wear and fretting
  • Material and welding defects
  • Metallurgical replication & portable hardness testing
  • Corrosion fatigue
  • Low temperature creep
  • Underdeposit corrosion (hydrogen damage, caustic gouging, phosphate corrosion)
  • Dissimilar metal weld failures
  • Explosive cleaning damage
  • Creep-fatigue
  • Graphitization

Request more information on how Intertek can help your organization with Metallurgical Laboratory Services for Power Plants.


Need help or have a question?

+1 408 745 7000
+61 (0) 2 8039 8111
+971 2 613 1000